Saturday, June 20, 2009

Celebrating Fathers!

Happy Father's Day!
My little family never does anything small. Nothing is a DAY! Holidays are a weekend event and sometimes a month long event. While most are finishing their plans for tomorrow, we are in the middle of our Father's day celebration. Starting Friday evening, we all went to Abby's Vacation Bible School closing program. There we watched daddy's little girl perform songs celebrating the love our Heavenly Father has for us. After we all went out and had a treat, nothing big, just a little french fries, ice cream, chicken nuggets, coffee and soda! Big were the smiles, laughs and love, for each other, for my children's father and our Heavenly Father. Today is a bit more subdued. Abby and I are both finishing up last minute details to make sure that our surprise tomorrow will show Drew how loved he is. He is a great father to both of our children. To Justin, he is an example of how to be a loving husband and father. To Abby, he is an example of the type of man she should seek to be her husband when she grows up. Drew is an example to both kids and me, of how to follow Jesus Christ. To trust, to follow, to teach, to love, and most importantly how to submit to Christ. He is an example of patience and respect. His faith is not an "in your face" kinda faith, but a quiet and peaceful faith, the kind of peace that makes people want to know more about it. Drew serves Christ and works hard to provide for us, all with very little complaints. I am blessed to have a husband who puts God before me, whose love of God is shared with me and our children.

Tonight we will go praise our Heavenly Father. I plan to praise God for giving me the type of family I dreamed of as a child. A family that plays and prays together. I will praise God for His never ending love.
Romans 8:39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below - indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Tomorrow we will wrap up our weekend of celebration, but I pray we show our love to both God and Drew everyday.
How do you show thanks to your father, husband, and to God?
May God bless all men who rise to the call and raise their children to love and respect God. Whether quietly or loudly, seen or heard, may your faith be an example to other men.

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